Beltz Grafische Betriebe GmbH is part of the Beltz Group. Our long-standing family business consists of the Beltz and Campus publishing houses and Beltz Grafische Betriebe.
We are a modern production company with innovative machines and a focus on the manufacture of books and book-like products. We have dedicated ourselves primarily to digital thread printing, a specialty that hardly any other print shop can offer.
Today, we employ over 137 qualified employees at the Bad Langensalza site. Our company grows every year with new trainees, and we are also proud to have a large number of employees who have been with the company for many years.
Every fall, we start with new trainees in two different fields, Media Technology Printing and Media Technology Print Processing. As a production company with a focus on book production, these are two essentially important professional fields for us. The primary aim is to take on trainees after they have completed their training.
Here you will find current job offers from our company. In the next step, you can simply apply online using our form. We will then contact you to discuss the further process. If you have any questions about our jobs, please contact us:
What is it like to work for us? We asked this question in our company. Regardless of whether they are new trainees or long-standing employees: Being close to our team is very important to us and we aim to support each individual in the best possible way according to their individual strengths.
I have lots of cool colleagues! They really are great people, it's great fun to work with them and there's always a lot of laughter.
I like working at Beltz because it's close to home. The family is here, it's varied, you can keep learning and developing and we have a great team!
I especially enjoy the collegiality. I'm part of a great team in digital printing, it's simply teamwork here. It's fun in the squad!
Two of my family members also work here, my father is now retired, but my brother is still at Beltz. I have a family connection here and I enjoy my job.
We are now at a very good technical level here. There has always been further development at Beltz and I am happy to have stayed with the company since 1996.
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