STARTS on a visit – 1 great day behind the gates of BELTZ

Being up close and personal when your own product is manufactured – that’s exactly what we offer our customers. Time and again, we find that our customers are very interested in the processes and procedures within our print shop. We want to enable them to take a look behind the scenes, find out where their print products come from and how they are produced. We also offer to visit Bad Langensalza after consultation.

In September of this year, we printed a brochure for the STARTS Grafik und Webdesign agency via their online platform WasJetzt Odenwald. WasJetzt Odenwald supports companies based in the Odenwald in various ways, including with the help of a virtual marketplace where regional products are sold. Theresa Bartmann, Managing Director of STARTS and initiator of the WasJetzt Odenwald project, visited our print shop on the day the WasJetzt Odenwald brochure was due to be printed. She recorded her impressions for us.

Visiting Bad Langensalza – Theresa Bartmann reports

An extraordinary day with exciting insights

A high-quality brochure with a modern design and rich colors – that’s what we wanted the end product to be, to provide information about our heart project WasJetzt Odenwald. We took care of the design, layout and content ourselves, which is easy for us as a graphics company. We found the right partner in the printing company BELTZ Grafische Betriebe, where we finally commissioned the production of our brochure.

We were just as pleased about the successful collaboration as we were about the invitation to visit and see our brochure being produced up close. We received a very friendly welcome on site on September 7. Our first impression: a highly modern and professional company that meets almost every customer requirement.

a visit to BELTZ

Special interplay of modern technology and elaborate craftsmanship

We look forward to standing in a bookshop, looking at attractive covers and flicking through the pages of a book in order to choose a new evening read. But we usually don’t know much about how books and their covers, booklets or catalogs are created, what effort goes into their production and what stages a product goes through on its way from white paper to finished product. And it is precisely this knowledge gap that we wanted to close. 😊

A visit to BELTZ - elaborate handiwork

When we entered the production halls of the print shop, we were impressed by the variety of printing machines and the extensive possibilities they offer. What we quickly learned: despite the machines, a lot of book production is laborious manual work. Bookbinders and media technologists oversee production from start to finish and accompany the process right through to the finished product. The close interplay between state-of-the-art technology and precise craftsmanship makes this sector a particularly exceptional one.

In addition to manual work, automation also plays a decisive role in speeding up and simplifying processes. Modern printing machines of various types for professional order processing enable the production of various covers, envelopes and brochures. They are highly efficient and ensure climate-neutral production. With a variety of materials, almost any print product can be produced.

When we visited Bad Langensalza, we learned that all these components – efficient, modern machines, qualified specialist personnel, process-optimized production planning – have to work closely together. The results are impressive: the BELTZ Grafische Betriebe print shop produces high-quality end products in the shortest possible time.

The print result of our WasJetzt Odenwald brochure exceeds our expectations

After visiting for a day, taking a look behind the scenes and getting a taste of everyday life in a print shop, we were naturally curious to see what the print results would look like. We stood expectantly at the printing press, which was about to spit out the first pages of our new brochure from our previously digitally created layout. After just a few minutes, the time had come and the first printed papers came out of the machine, high quality – both visually and to the touch. That’s exactly how we had imagined it.

The first printed page of our WasJetzt Odenwald brochure comes off the press.

After printing, the binding is of course still pending. This was only planned for the following day, which is why we were unfortunately unable to follow it on site. Full of exciting impressions and a not inconsiderable increase in knowledge, we made our way home. We would like to take this opportunity to thank BELTZ and the people in charge for taking so much time for us during our visit. 🙏

Once we arrived home, we waited eagerly for the first edition of our brochures to arrive in the post. Then they arrived – the first copies of our product. And what about us? We were completely thrilled with the end result. 😍

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